Hot Chocolate Bombs

These hot chocolate bombs are the perfect cosy treat for chilly winter days. They could also make the most amazing gift. Especially if your kids have created a beautiful Sharpie Christmas Mug as well.

Place a tasty sphere into a mug and pour on hot milk to see them slowly melt and the tiny marshmallows escape. They’re so much fun to watch and a great way to make a delicious, creamy hot chocolate.

This recipe will make three hot chocolate bombs.

You will need:

  • Cooking chocolate
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Sprinkles
  • Hot chocolate powder (the good stuff you make with milk, not instant)
  • A cake decorators brush. If you don’t have one, you could use a small pastry brush or clean fingers, but it’ll be a bit more tricky.
  • A 5cm silicone sphere mold
  • Microwave safe bowls
  • Spoons for mixing
  • A piping bags ( and a nozzle if you’re using a reusable bag. If you’re using a disposable bag, you can snip off the end instead.)

Divide 150g of chocolate into three bowls, 50g each.

Melt one of the bowls of chocolate in the microwave using short 10 second intervals. Stir after each interval and make sure its glossy and completely melted.

Pour spoonfuls of melted chocolate into the mould and then spread it up round the sides using a brush – make sure that you go right up to the edge. Put in the fridge to set for 15 minutes. When your first layer of chocolate is completely set, melt the second bowl of 50g and add another layer of chocolate to each half sphere.

Once fully set, carefully pop the halves out the moulds. Turn over your mould and use that to hold the half spheres ready for filling.

Pour some sprinkles into a shallow bowl or small plate. Put these to one side so that they are ready for the last step.

Add the filling to half the spheres. How much you put in is really down to taste. Follow the instructions on the packet, but remember that all the chocolate from the sphere will be used to flavour the drink. Then top with a few marshmallows.

Melt the last 50g of chocolate and spoon it into a piping bag. Twist the open end to close it, snip off the point and then pipe a slither of chocolate around the rim of the filled sphere. Carefully place another sphere on top.

Pipe a little extra around the join, hiding any gaps and filling in holes as necessary. Working quickly so that the chocolate doesn’t set too much, dip the bomb into the shallow dish of sprinkles you prepare earlier. Make sure the joint I completely covered in sprinkles.

These are great as a gift, especially when added to the Sharpie Mug you decorated the other day.

Published by beadingbrilliant

Inspiring a love for Crafting