Arrietty Clock Costume

I’m really proud of this one. Not because there is a whole lot of making involved. But because my daughter chose to go as a book character from a book that challenges her. She is also old enough now to get stuck in with the creating, so she has done just that. I hope that she is as proud of this outfit as I am. So here it is Our take on an Arrietty Clock costume.

For those of you that are not familiar with Arrietty, she is a character from Mary Norton’s The Borrowers. It’s a story I very much enjoyed as a child. This outfit is more inline with the Disney version, but I wanted to keep it simple and get my daughter involved where I could. So sewing oversized collars onto dresses wasn’t really an option.

The Basic Outfit

Arrietty wears a red dress. It was fairly easy to find a basic long sleeved skater style dress online. We also purchased a white belt, and a soft shoulder bag that looked as though it might be oversized or (at least something Arrietty might have altered to use as a bag).

The Props

That was the easy bit. Now we needed to emphasise that Arrietty is tiny. That meant making some props. We went for a giant pin. This was a piece of dowel, sanded at one end to make it look like a pin. On the other end we glued a large polystyrene ball. A little paint and it looks amazing

Extra Touches

Extra large buttons can be picked up online fairly cheaply. We sewed a couple on the front of the dress, again to emphasise the size of Arrietty.

Arrietty is always prepared. A length of rope attached to her belt is an essential piece of kit, and super simple to achieve.

Again, giant pegs can be found online fairly easily. Paint it if you like, or just clip is around a ponytail for another extra touch. Easy.

Published by beadingbrilliant

Inspiring a love for Crafting

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