Easter Bunny Garland

This is a super simple craft. No expertise necessary. All you’ll be doing is cutting paper and glueing ribbon or string. Easy. Get the kids involved and get decorating your house for Easter. You will need: Let’s get started… Start by downloading my bunny template. You will find it here. Stick your template to someContinue reading “Easter Bunny Garland”

Last Minute World Book Day Outfits

So, you’ve left making the kids World Book Day outfits to the last minute. You are very much not alone! I do this every year, There’s always plenty of time, until there isn’t! I have put together a few helpful suggestions for you. Corners you can cut. Costumes you can throw together with what youContinue reading “Last Minute World Book Day Outfits”

The Gruffalo

Everyone loves the Gruffalo story. My youngest is no exception. Very helpfully, the Gruffalo, we have a ready written list of requirements. But before we can add features from the list, we need a base to attach them to. We searched high and low for brown tracksuit, or even t-shirt and trousers. It seemed impossible.Continue reading “The Gruffalo”

No Sew Headband Holder

My daughter has acquired a lot of headbands. Its gotten to the point where we needed to do something about sorting out a decent storage option for them. Something that she can use easily. Something that is easy to make and works. After a bit of research, this is what I came up with. Simple,Continue reading “No Sew Headband Holder”

Easy Thomas the Tank Engine Costume

Thomas is a staple in many households with young kids, I’m sure. Ours is no different. As seems to have become my style, I have added decoration to existing clothes for this Easy Thomas the Tank Engine Costume. It works. This hoodie was worn again and again as any other hoodie would be. It’s aContinue reading “Easy Thomas the Tank Engine Costume”

Quick Stick Man Costume

As with many of my world book day creations, this Quick Stick Man costume started life as a pair of brown trousers, and a brown long sleeved t-shirt. Why make life hard for yourself making clothes?! Stick Man has a few leaves on his head and his arm, so that’s exactly what I created. KeepContinue reading “Quick Stick Man Costume”

Simple Penguin Costume

This is another world book day outfit. My eldest wanted to go as the penguin out of the book “A different way home” by Emma Bacon, so I got to work putting together a simple penguin costume for her. I started with a black hooded jacket in her size. Penguins have a white belly, soContinue reading “Simple Penguin Costume”

Easy Felt Poinsettias

Poinsettias are a great symbol of Christmas. And these easy felt poinsettias are a stunning decoration. Use them around your house, add them to headbands, or add them to the gifts you give to family and friends. Start by downloading my poinsettia template here: Cut 1 large flower, and five petals from your felt fabric.Continue reading “Easy Felt Poinsettias”